Donald Trump Quotes

Donald Trump quotes

Looking for famous Donald Trump Quotes on success, money, business, leadership, real estate and network marketing? Donald Trump is a successful … Here you can find a list of the best quotes by Donald Trump.

Quotes by Donald Trump

I do not wear a wig.

You have to think anyway, so why not think big?

I’m really rich.

Money was never a big motivation for me, except as a way to keep score. The real excitement is playing the game.

Laziness is a trait in the blacks.

I try to learn from the past, but I plan for the future by focusing exclusively on the present. That’s where the fun is.

Sometimes by losing a battle you find a new way to win the war.

I am what I am.

In the end, you’re measured not by how much you undertake but by what you finally accomplish.

The bible is the most special thing.

I will be the greatest jobs president that god ever created.

I think I’m almost too honest to be a politician.

Those are my favorite quotes by Donald Trump, what are yours?